How to make Impressive Personality

Impressive Personality:
Ever wondered what makes a person interesting, impressive and popular? Charisma. And the good thing is, charisma could be developed as a learned habit. A well groomed personality is the key to success. If you want to make your personality attractive and impress people, follow the steps below.

Dress to impress. Your clothes don't have to be expensive, but something simple, elegant and suitable for you. Sometimes it's worth it just to buy something slightly expensive, as it will last long and look good. Don't let price fool you about quality. A well fitting outfit makes you look confident and impressive.
Try and meet new people whenever you can. Go to malls, restaurants, anywhere you can find people. Even if you never see them again, you'll still benefit from meeting just on person.
Don't say anything about someone that you can't say to their face.Backstabbing is no-no.

Don't be too frank or over familiar with anybody. Friendly, yes, but not the kind that irritates people. For example, don't hug someone you've only known for a few days. A decent person is always admired.
Do not tell anybody about your weaknesses. Your ill wishers might use them against you. However, don't act is if you are perfect. That just seems snobby.
Help others whenever possible. Volunteer, or just do things for your family.

If you see something bad about a person, some weakness they've got, ignore it.

Do not lie or gossip, people tend to see such a person as immature.

Try to be more punctual and responsible. A person who is reliable is a gem in sociel

Be determined and stand for what you believe in. Nobody can tell you who you are but you. If someone doesn't like the way you dress, ignore it. You have a right to live exactly the way you want, short of killing someone or being violent.
Update your knowledge about the world around you so that you can carry out a conversation with anybody. General knowledge is gold.
Always Smile.

Hobbies. Is there something you want to learn? guitar, photography, painting? Learn and Experiment! It makes you a great and interesting person to know
Always be grateful if someone does something for you and SHOW it.

part of grooming our personality is accepting our mistakes. we can develop our personality by realizing people that if we are wrong than we should admit our mistakes.
Confidence. It is the key to be impressive. Stammering and uncertainty indicates a weak personality
Polish the way you speak. Avoid slang and talking too much. Good manners go a long way

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