New OkCupid Feature Alerts Users When It’s Time To Come Crawling Back

In an effort to re-engage singles who had quit its service to pursue romance through other means,online dating platform OkCupid debuted a new feature Thursday that alerts former users when it’s time to come crawling back. “After a few months spent fruitlessly attempting to meet someone in the real world, former subscribers will receive a push notification informing them that they should now swallow their pride and return to the online dating scene,” said OkCupid co-founder Christian Rudder, adding that 90 days is generally sufficient for users to fully grasp that dating through friends,hobbies, or the workplace is simply never going to pan out for them.

“Once you’ve come up short offline, we’ll let you know exactly when to suck it up and accept that combing through hundreds of unappealing personal profiles on OkCupid is still your only feasible option for finding a partner. And since we save your profile settings, you’ll be able to seamlessly resume searching for your online match, exactly as you always suspected, deep down, you would.” The OkCupid update comes on the heels of a similar feature on adult matchmaking service Tinder that reportedly alerts former users after 24 hours of attempting to seek out casual sexual encounters at bars

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