Quicksilver returning in Avenger : Infinity war

Marvel they dont let their heroes dies easily. Aron Taylor-Johnson’s Quicksilver met his demise in Avengers: Age of Ultron when he sped in front of some bullets that were about to hit Hawkeye and a small boy. The archer later sat by the speedster’s body as they were being transported away from the Slovakian
city. However, since this is a movie based off comic books, some fans have wondered whether Quicksilver somehow survived… As Phil Coulson revive in ABC Series Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Marvel can also put back the Quicksilver in the squad, as they need a good team to fight against Thanos. Nobody knows what MCU get in their cards as they skip Comic-con 2015. But fans would love to see surprises as the Quicksilver return and join the Avengers to fight in the Final Battle...

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