PC shortcut keys for Special Characters

There are many special characters that can be created using keyboard shortcuts. Below are some of the more common and popular special characters and the keyboard shortcuts to create them.

Shortcut KeysSpecial Character
Alt + 0224à
Alt + 0232è
Alt + 0236ì
Alt + 0242ò
Alt + 0241ñ
Alt + 0228ä
Alt + 0246ö
Alt + 0252ü
Alt + 0248ø
Alt + 0223ß
Alt + 0198Æ
Alt + 0231ç
Alt + 0191¿
Alt + 0176°  (degree symbol)
Alt + 0177±  (plus/minus symbol)
Alt + 0153
Alt + 0169©
Alt + 0174®
Alt + 0128€  (Euro currency)
Alt + 0162¢  (Cent symbol)
Alt + 0163£  (British Pound currency)
Alt + 0165¥  (Japanese Yen currency)
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